Sunday, August 15, 2010

Nothing says farewell like...

Good cake and good company is the bees knees of farewells. In case you missed the Highland Games Cake Dome Party, let me give you more reason to mourn your absence. If you were there, let me give you reason to already begin reminiscing. It was some great festive fun complete with:

a delicious spread with some tasty shortbread and cake,
a Scottish Pub and Bartender in Tartan Trousers,
some good jokes,
and a riveting "Caper" Toss.
It was a bittersweet kind of Cake Dome Party as it got Matt and I excited for our new Scottish adventures but sad at the thought of how we will miss our great American pals this upcoming year. Still, I believe it has made us one step more ready to say "Guid Cheerio the Nou" when Sept 3rd rolls around. Let us pray for our those visas in the meantime!

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