Sunday, May 23, 2010

What are adult things these days?

While driving past a store that sells "all things Adult" on the highway, Matt posed an interesting question.

"Do they sell adult diapers?"

Good question, I thought. It got me thinking and so I asked in response,

"Maybe they sell responsibilities. Those are adult things."

Matt pondered on that. "If they sell those then they must sell mortgages too."

With that, we both decided that the "all things Adult" store didn't sound like any fun at all.


Joy Elizabeth Jackson said...

Oh my gosh. I want to ride in the car with you guys. All we talk about in the car is whether or not to get icecream and how many times I had to change Zack's diaper that day. I MISS you guys!

Liz said...

I am jealous of your stimulating conversation! I agree with the other comment about ice cream and diapers. Ah, where has my brain gone?

Unknown said...

Would they sell low-grade depression and stomach ulcers as well? That seems pretty adult to me.

Mary said...

I wish I could have been in the car with you kids, but thanks for recording it here anyway.

Nicole Guerra said...

Hahaha I've been poking through your blog and had to let you know that this was so funny I read it to Jon. We miss you already!