Friday, May 14, 2010

It's not easy being Cate (sometimes)

If you have yourself a bad week. A week where you get a bit beat up by the "benign indifference of the world" (merci Camus) - may I suggest listening Mr. Andrew Bird croon this number?

I recommend inserting your name where he says green or "vert". It may just help you get back on your feet.

For full effect do this exercise while running until your lungs get a cathartic burning sensation.

You may be surprised at how much better this makes you feel.


Lindsey Hicks said...

Thanks I really enjoyed that. Were you having a bad week? :(

Unknown said...

Sometimes when I have bad days, I remember a conversation we once had, and remind myself of the really great people who like me. You and Mary Cox are on that list, and it always helps.

T.R. said...

How weird is this, I just finished reading The Stranger today and then went online and read this post. Only mine translated the world's indifference as "gentle".

Betsy said...

That could make you feel better even on a good day. A.B.'s own music is so interesting that sometimes I forget to notice what a terrific voice he has.