Saturday, July 30, 2011

Madam Librarian

So people have been calling my "a librarian" for several years now. But I am a purist - I have only worked up to the "assistant librarian" title. Calling myself a bonafide librarian before now would have been like wearing my race t-shirt after I get it at registration. I have always been the type to wait until I have completed the 10K to feel worthy of broadcasting myself as an official race participant/finisher. So it is with the title I have long coveted: "librarian". I wasn't even prepared to take it on after finishing library school. Nope, not until someone hired me to work as one.

And would you believe someone did? That is, someone hired me to be their librarian. Just 2 days after graduating with my MLS on Aug 13th, I will become the newest Teen Librarian in the Rangeview Library District. Maybe that doesn't sound super impressive to you, but for library folk it is something to feel right proud of.

And speaking of nerdy library news - this place is pretty cool. Aside from winning the 2010 National Medal for Museums and Libraries (a pretty impressive feat in this obscure field), they are often published about for their "cutting edge" philosophy about modern public librarianship. I actually read about this place in library school long before ever even considering applying for a job there. Yeah, that sounds really stupid - "cutting edge" librarianship, especially to those people who think I just memorized the Dewey decimal system for 2 years in school. But let me tell you, this is a business model for a library you would be keen on having in your community. They have a drive-through "pick up" window for reservations and books pulled off the shelf ahead of time. They have a media area for teens to watch movies. What's more - there is no Dewey Decimal system! Everything is arranged by intuitive topics, the same as you would find in a bookstore. The space is intended for comfort (fireplaces, bean bag chairs in youth areas, giant multi-colored domino building blocks for the young ones, etc). So yeah, I am going to be a librarian in one of the hippest public libraries around. You knew me back when....:)

So what will I be doing? Mostly loads of teen programming and readers advisory (such a dreamy/wonderful part of the job description - recommending good books to people). For the interview I was asked to present the first 10-15 minutes of a teen program  I would like to implement as a Teen Librarian. I racked my brain for a week trying to think of something "catchy", "in-the-now", even a bit of a spectacle. Afterall, I really wanted the job - got to be memorable in the interview. Matt came up with the idea of doing a "Zombie Contingency Planning Night" for it and the moment he said it, I knew it was just the thing. To pull out all the stops, I learned how to create a presentation using "Prezi" software online and consulted many authoritative zombie resources which included my brother TR, Shaun of the Dead and other zombie flicks, Max Brooks books and even on their zombie preparedness webpage (which I screen captured for effect and emphasis in my presentation). I practiced my tone until I got just the right deadpan effect "Thank you for coming tonight. It is great to see such concern in the community. We have seen this in our history." < hold up a copy of Pride and Prejudice and Zombies> "As you are here tonight, you undoubtedly realize that is not a question of "if" there is an uprising in the is a question of "when"." I sealed the deal I think when I called a local Tae Kwon Do business in the Denver area to talk to them about doing self-defensive training demonstrations. They were keen on helping if I ever got to do the program. And that was that.

I start on Aug 15th, so onward to Denver we go! The layover capital of the West! We hear great things about the area and we are looking forward to explore this new place for ourselves. And perhaps most importantly, you can now call me Madam Librarian.


LJ said...

Cate freaking Sweeney. Of course you got hired!

The Tae Kwon Do part had me guffawing, by the bye. Well done indeed.

Lindsey Hicks said...

Wow! So much has happened in your life during the almost two weeks I went without internet! Congrats on the new job and on finishing your MS. I'm so glad you're headed to CO. Hopefully we will be too in a year. Bryan is going to Denver on Aug. 14th - 17th to job hunt.