Tuesday, March 2, 2010

In other news...

Matt shaved. His skin was getting a bit irritated in spots so he decided to rid the facial hair until he felt it was again time for the beard. Here are a couple of different stages along the way. I was at work when he did most of it and he sent me this pic in an email. It got me laughing so hard in the Teen Center that all the kids were looking at me like I was a crazy person (actually that probably had nothing to do with me laughing on second thought since all look at me that way).

Well, without further ado, I give you stage #1 of shaving process:
The G'Day Gov'nor stage

And stage #2. I am not sure what to say about this one except that this is what I came home to last night and after taking the obligatory picture, I demanded that something happen in a timely manner to take care of this creepy stache. Sorry Matt, even you look like a fascetious chump in a moustache.


LJ said...

Adam shaved just his chin for Christmas morning and looked like a very British chimpmunk.

McDirty said...

I personally like stage one the best.