Thursday, June 5, 2008

The stars at night...are big and bright!

I'm here in the heart of Texas; and from what I have more or less been told by locals not only will I be priveldged to live in the best dern state in the US (and the world for that matter) but I will be living in the best dern city in the best dern state; of course I am refering to the city of Austin. And damn it! I ought to be mighty proud of it!

One thing I have learned while I've been here is that I can still use terms that I once thought as merely cliche or too stereotypical for Texas like y'all, folks, kin to, mighty fine, yonder ways (more to come I am sure). Another thing to keep in mind is that since this is "big country" every place in this state that has a claim to fame is named "The (famous thing) Country". For example. There is a place with lots of hills in North Austin. Of course, that is called "The Hill Country". If you're driving by a town with lots of cows and make a comment, the local will be sure to take the opportunity to let you know you are driving through "Cattle Country". And so on. Though one of the most valuable things I have learned is that they have a social system set up down here that can bail you out of any poorly timed or potentially offensive comment in a conversation. The secret is that all you need to do is end the conversation with a "Well...God bless ya".

I must say that I am feeling that these Texans are onto something with this whole "Texas Pride" thing. There are truly lots of superior things here. I mean check out the size of this watermelon.

They're pretty tasty, juicy too.
Of course, these pictures were taken in a place called Luling that grows really great watermelon. Indeed, Luling is also known as "Watermelon Country". In fact, they even have a good and proper holiday for the fine fruits grown out here. It's called "The Watermelon Thump". It is supposed to be really something for this town of 5,000. I am only sad that I am going to miss the crowing of the "Watermelon Thump Queen" as Matt and I will not have moved yet.
And my oh my. Smoked BBQ is no joke with these folks. It's really something. Notice the orange hard-hat. I think it's for real. These guys were like maryrs for Americana working with these smoke pits. The thermometer read well over 90 degrees in there.
More to come...


Joy Elizabeth Jackson said...

I can't wait to hear you with a hick accent. It will come...hahahaha(evil witch laugh). No really, it's cute.

jo said...

here is something that i'm interested in and maybe you can look for the answer there in Austin.

in the song, what, if anything, comes after the phrase, "the stars at night, are big and bright [*clap *clap *clap *clap] deep in the heart of Texas!"

Mike said...

Don't pet the armadillos...sure they may look cute but they carry leprosy. It sucks when you get me.

Betsy said...

Hey, Jo (whoever you are, but a friend of Cate's is a friend of mine), I think I know this! "Reminds me of the one I love [*4 claps] deep in the heart of Texas!" After that, I don't know... Oh, looka here, I left some out: