Saturday, April 12, 2008

Severing the can, hand.

Do you remember how your mom always used to tell you how dangerously sharp the lids are when you sever them from an aluminum can? Until last night, that story seemed like an "old mom tale" to me. At least now I know that they cut through real clean...deep...but clean. My experience last night got me to realize that you have to respect those lids and most especially those mom tales. But I guess the latter part of that not only means being careful with the lids on cans but perhaps no swimming for a half an hour after I eat, no swallowing gum because it will stay 7+ years inside my stomach, no taking candy from strangers (that means no more campus hand outs)...

What other mom tales I have missed here?


Aria said...

Are you okay, Cate? And this is for Matt:
1) A
2) A -> B
3) B -> C
Conclusion: A -> C

Key: A=I'm pregnant
B= Write a pregnancy blog
C= I'm lame

Deal. :)

Aria said...

Oops. This is joy on a friends computer. Not Aria.

Anonymous said...

Hey Cate! It's been a long time! I found your blog through random people, and I wanted to say hi!

LJ said...

You forget "don't cross your eyes or they'll stay that way," and "rub the stye in your eye with your mom's wedding ring and it will go away."

They are both filthy lies.

KurtandLori said...

Did you get your tetnus shot yet??

jo said...

Or what about, "If you chew on your hair you'll get worms in your stomach." I never chewed on my hair, but I thought it was pretty gross... and worms are gross too.

And, "If you eat a watermelon (cherry) seed, it will sprout and grow in your stomach." If so, I've got a virtual jungle in my stomach... by accident... really.

McDirty said...

If you sleep around you'll get std's. That one is probably true.

Ellen said...

Watching television makes your brain turn into mush. It's true.

natalie said...

ouch... I'm sorry :( that's no fun!