Friday, March 16, 2007

why "Dilbert" has become so funny lately

I'm at work right now. Well, I'm not metaphorically there because I haven't clocked in but I am using the computer because it's warm and safe feeling in here. I think I feel that way because there are cubicles that designate my space. Sometimes I kind of feel like I have one of those "offices" made of folders you used during spelling tests in grade school to assure no one cheats. In the office, there's no fear of being subject to someone's library cell phone call, seeing someone I know that is comfortable with having more than a brief conversation at louder than a library voice, or worrying that everyone around me is more studious than I am. Instead, I know that there will be soft hits, when Ed is here in the morning, and that it will be unusually warm inside the small office place filled with computers and cubicle people. I get folks like James Taylor who will always keep his voice at a moderate level. Or I can dream of "Jamaica, Bermuda...come on pretty mama..." And everyone around me is doing the same thing. 'Ignore, ignore, confirm, ignore' clicking comes from all the computers. The hum of editing. It's serene in here. I like it.


cate said...

Cate, I don't understand half of what you were talking about. I work in the wide open world, and baby its fantastic. Your womb-like cubicle sounds kind of nice though. I'm afraid I would just fall asleep. If you're getting paid to sleep, then that's a sweet gig.


jo said...

...wait a second...

who said that?

cate, there's someone named MATT that's taken over your identity. but if he's anything like the matt that I know, he's a gem... so there's no need to worry.

by the way... congratulations Aunt Cate!

now that dilbert's down... you'll have to work on figuring Ziggy out... that might take a lifetime if ever.

B. said...

This post was beautiful in its own cubicular way.

Andrew said...

Cate, I'm washed up. I am unemployed and wishing I had a safe, warm place to call my cubicle. Right now Salt Lake's Library is my substitute and it is not cutting it.

ignore, confirm, ignore,