Friday, January 26, 2007

maybe it's just mormon culture

Have you ever made a decision? That's not all. Have you ever made a decision that was a really important decision. One that took a lot of thought. The kind that you only plan on making once. And people have been asking you to make the decision for longer than, well, starting before you have felt ready to decide on it. You felt good about making the decision, though. You felt good about deciding on it sometime; but, you weren't really thinking you needed to make it yet. And it almost seemed like you would want to tell people you had made your decision or that you were about to make the decision even when you weren't. And this was with people that you really don't talk with often. You don't talk to them about many if any of your decisions that you make. In fact, they only want to talk to you because they want to ask you about your decision. And when they asked you about it you want to either justify yourself in the sincerest way you can with all social formalities in harmony and order or matter-of-factly ask them how much they bench press or weigh and then see how they respond.?

Well, I just got done making one of those decisions. And it was a well-made, well-timed decision. And the moment I made it, no sooner had I announced my decision did I get the next question by these same kinds of not-so-involved-in-cate's-life-decisions-people of how the heck am I going to follow through with my decision. What is up with that?